
Thursday, March 26, 2020

How much fun I had this day.

how much fun I had that day.
On Thursday the 26 of march I went on a walk with my sister, Nana but I call her Nonna and two of our dogs Molly and Lulu. when we got there we wished we got to have a swim but we did't bring our togs. We had a walk on the beach for a little bit but then we went back onto our trail my sister is only 3 so she was getting tired and she wanted to go back home. When we got back home I fed my rabbits and played with my baby rabbits, when I finished feeding them I played on our monkey bars, slide swing and Playhouse. Then I did homework.


  1. Morensa Leila, I have set up a group chat for our class, so far only Georgie is on there, but if you go to your email and accept you will see that you can chat to me and your class mates. I am so glad to hear you are keeping up with all the mahi. Keep up the blogging and reading.
